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Key Team Members

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Tianhuan Chang


"Crafting the blueprint of tomorrow, our draughtsmen blend precision with creativity to transform visions into reality. With dedication and excellence, they orchestrate the symphony of construction, harmonizing technical expertise with imaginative flair. Each stroke breathes life into the static, shaping landscapes of possibility and paving the way for boundless innovation."

Tianhuan embarked on her journey with Design Engineers in 2022, stepping into the pivotal role of Draughtsman. Entrusted with the task of closely collaborating with our esteemed team of engineers, she has seamlessly integrated herself into the heart of our design endeavors. Her professional odyssey commenced with the attainment of a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 2019, a period during which her affinity for sketching and mathematics blossomed into a fervent passion. Renowned for her unparalleled proficiency in hand sketching and drawing, Tianhuan's skill set is augmented by her innate ability to swiftly absorb new knowledge and her well-documented history of achieving excellence.

Situated remotely within our Design Engineers China Office, Tianhuan dedicates the lion's share of her time to spearheading our ventures in New Zealand. Beyond her role as a reliable Draughtsman, Tianhuan embodies the ethos of effective communication and attentive listening, distinguishing herself as a valuable asset in fostering robust interpersonal connections. Her dedication to nurturing relationships transcends the confines of the professional realm, as she treasures the moments spent in the company of cherished friends and beloved family members. When she's not immersed in the dynamic world of design, Tianhuan finds solace and camaraderie on the badminton court, where she engages in spirited matches with a close-knit circle of friends. This leisure pursuit serves as a testament to her collaborative spirit and unwavering commitment to teamwork, traits that are as integral to her personal life as they are to her professional endeavors.


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